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How does the Mechanics' Institute work?


The Epworth Mechanics' Institute Library is a private subscription library run by volunteers. It owns the Manor Court House which is in the names of the Trustees.The Building and Library are maintained by a Management Committee, which is elected at the Annual General Meeting each year.The officers are President,Vice President,Honorary Secretary,Honorary Treasurer,Head Librarian and committee members.  The Head Librarian appoints a number of Librarians to operate the Library. All officers  and Librarians are volunteers.


Officers to contact:                                                                                   *email

                                   Mr Peter Frost (Head Librarian)*



The Library obtains most of its books by donation. All books are received on the understanding that if we are unable to place them in the library, we will sell them to raise further funds to purchase more books. A regular book sale table is placed outside the building each Tuesday (weather permitting) and we hold booksales during the Local Food markets.
The Houghton Archive contains mainly local history and we are always pleased to receive documents,photos,maps and  memorabelia. If you look around the walls of the library you will find photos, plaques and war memorials relating to Epworth and the Isle of Axholme

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